Fjori Fire-Hair

A young Nord girl with firey copper-colored hair, a daughter of Winterhold, a fiersome fighter with her axe and shield, an apprentice Storm-Mage, a bourgeoning intellectual, and an Itinerant mercenary.Fjori's travels thus far in her young life have taken her across much of Skyrim and into Morrowind. She makes a living taking odd jobs killing bandits, wild animals, delving in dark dungeons, and accompanying travelers as a bodyguard.



Race: Nord
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight? Fuck around and find out.
Born (location): Winterhold, Skyrim
Born (date): 19 Morning Star, 2E 567
Age: 23 (as of 2E 590)
Religious Proclivities: Nordic Pantheon
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Personality and Beliefs

Fjori has a friendly personality and is welcoming equally of men and elves. Initially distrustful of other races, Fjori's experiences outside of Skyrim have cleaved off her prior apprehension.


Fjori is a copper-haired, green-eyed Nord girl around 23 years of age. She has a pale complexion with tiny freckles dotting her entire muscular body. She's physically fit and strong, able to endure long travels or sustained combat.Fjori typically keeps her thick, straight hair cut at the shoulders so as to not get too much in the way.

Equipment and Wardrobe

Fjori has a warm suit of nordic steel armor as well as lighter leather and cloth clothes she wears casually. She isn't a prude and doesn't much care if a little or a lot of skin is showing.Fjori makes use of an axe and shield in combat and defence, and carries both around with her at all times. She's also capable of minor magecraft and can storm-call to cast down lightning on opponents.



Fjori's mother is a mage in the College of Winterhold, and her father is a Winterhold Guard in service to Jarl [yet unnamed]. Fjori's parentage of mixed professions greatly influenced her as she grew up. her father taught her to fight, her mother taught her to think. Together, they raised a warrior-thinker adept in both martial, ideological, and magical prowess.Fjori has a stable relationship with both her parents and makes sure she keeps in touch with them when she's away.


Fjori has yet to make any new friends in her roleplay travels and she's very open to anyone in Skyrim or Morrowind to befriend!


Fjori observes the traditional post-totemic Nordic pantheon with a focus on Kyne, Tsun, and Jhunal.She's a devout follower of her gods and won't step outside the bounds of her gods and their instructions.

Author info

About me

Hello! I go by Vylaera online, I'm a huge Elder Scrolls fan, having played the series since I was 12 years old way back in the ancient past of 2011. I got TES V Skyrim for Christmas 2011 and fell in love with the game. Eventually I went back to play TES IV Oblivion and TES III Morrowind and fell in love with those games as well. I ended up becoming a superfan of the series, absorbing lore knowledge like a sponge over the next 10 years, joining various communities, and spending a ton of time playing the games.I got ESO during the summer of 2015 at console launch. I moved to PC with the launch of Summerset and have been on PC since. I took a year break during Elsweyr due to life circumstances but I returned to the game with Greymoor's launch in 2020 and have been playing nearly uninterrupted since then. I initially restarted the game in 2020 with a focus on PvE and getting to endgame, then turned to PvP as my main focus, and then due to update fatigue, decided to get big into housing and Roleplay. Currently I don't have a ton of free time due to being a sales manager wroking 50+ hours a week as well as going to school part-time for graphic design.Notable little factoids about me aside from what I mentioned already would be that I make mods for personal use and occasionally release them on the Nexus, and included in this is my magnum opus: Accurate World Map, a map addon for ESO that aims to fix the inaccuracies in the ESO map, such as the Velothis arm of Morrowind being overtaken by an improperly placed Eastern Skyrim, High Rock jutting way too far northwest, and other issues with the map.